It is the official Android app of the specialty store of Salt Water boat fishing supplies [FISHING STORE TOPRANGE] located in Sendai City.
【FISHING STORE TOPRANGEのご紹介】仙台市にある【FISHING STORE TOPRANGE(フィッシングストアトップレンジ)】。トップレンジでは、マグロ・ブリ・マダイ・マダラなど、東北の海で狙える大物へ向けた本格的沖釣り用品から、湾内のカレイ・ハゼ・アイナメなどポピュラーな船釣り用品、岸から狙う様々なターゲット、川釣り用品まで取り揃えております。また、本格的な大物釣りや船釣りに挑戦してみたい方やご家族で始めてみたい方々へも、釣りのノウハウを一から親切・丁寧にお教えいたします。専門スタッフが皆様のご来店をお待ちしております。【FISHING STORE TOPRANGE取り扱いの沖釣り用品】カレイからマグロまで、沖釣り用品が充実!マダイ用、マグロ用オリジナルルアーや、オリジナル船カレイ仕掛けも多数。ジギング用品、ロックフィッシュ、シーバス、フラットフィッシュなど、海のルアーが充実!海釣り用、川釣り用、釣り餌、氷なども完備。■【FISHING STORE TOPRANGE】の最新情報をお届け【FISHING STORE TOPRANGE】からのお知らせやイベント予告情報など、最新情報をお届けします。■写真を掲載【FISHING STORE TOPRANGE】の店内やメニューなどの写真を掲載しています。■MAP【FISHING STORE TOPRANGE】の位置をMAPで表示します。■お知らせ「お知らせ」はプッシュ通知受信時、一覧として回覧することが可能です。【FISHING STORE TOPRANGEの基本情報】店名:FISHING STORE TOPRANGE(フィッシングストアトップレンジ)住所:宮城県仙台市若林区荒井字梅丿木118[Introduction of FISHING STORE TOPRANGE]Located in Sendai City [FISHING STORE TOPRANGE (fishing store top range)].At the top range, such as tuna, yellowtail, red sea bream, cod, from full-scale offshore fishing supplies directed to the big game, which aim at the northeast of the sea, such as flounder, gobies, rock trout of the bay popular boat fishing supplies, a variety of targets that aim from the shore, stocks to the river fishing supplies.Also, to those who want to start with one and your family that you want to try a full-fledged big-game fishing and boat fishing,The fishing of the know-how we teach kindness, with care from scratch.Professional staff are looking forward to your visit of everyone.[Offshore fishing supplies of FISHING STORE TOPRANGE handling]From flounder to tuna, enhance the offshore fishing supplies!Many red sea bream for, original lure and for tuna, the original ship flounder gimmick also.Jigging supplies, rock fish, sea bass, such as a flat fish, sea lure rich!Sea fishing, river fishing, fishing bait, ice, etc. also equipped.■ [FISHING STORE TOPRANGE] delivers the latest information of[FISHING STORE TOPRANGE] announcements and events notice information from, for example, will deliver the latest information.■ me for a photo[FISHING STORE TOPRANGE] has me for a photo, such as in-store and menu.■ MAPThe position of the [FISHING STORE TOPRANGE] will be displayed in MAP.■ Information"Notice" when push notification received, it is possible to circulation as a list.[Basic information of FISHING STORE TOPRANGE]Store name: FISHING STORE TOPRANGE (fishing store top range)Address: Arai Sendai, Miyagi Wakabayashi-ku Jiume 丿木 118